Sunday, February 5

Thursday and Friday's TV (aka Spring Cleaning)

The O.C., The Cliffhanger
**(out of 5)
Ah, The O.C., the show which started off quite well in it's first season and was pretty damn good...and then got worse, and worse. More and more ridiculous and soap opera-y. And is not in a state of iffyness. Some plots are horrendously bad, like everything that involves Johnny. And usually, the Seth/Summer storylines and all the adults usually have stuff that is worthwhile, at least. This season brought the addition (or reintroduction, although it’s a completely new actress) of Kaitlin Cooper. Which I think actually is refreshing, seeing as how her storylines have been somewhat interesting and nonpredictable, and she can actually act unlike her fictional sister, Marissa. Now onto the specifics of the episode: This was The Episode Featuring Retarded Names. To begin, we have the actual episode title Cliffhanger. Oh, how very creative and subtle. More on that later.Later, the decision on the part of the writers to give Johnny the last name of Harbor. Did we even care about his last name? No. But, Good choice, yeah. And why on earth would noticeably intelligent and business savvy partners Kirsten and Julie name their dating service ‘New Match’? Worst name ever. The award for the most ambiguous and sexually implicit goes to Seth asking Summer if “You wanna get down?” while they are sitting on the bed together. And again with the weird names, when Kaitlin is reminiscing to her sis about their ice cream choices when they were younger, we are told Kaitlin’s favorite flave was ‘gold medal ribbon.’ Can I try that? And it seemed out of character for Seth to smoke the pot last episode, but it could be understood. However, this episode they took it too far and had him continuously do it, which I don’t think Seth would ever do. One affair with Mary Jane would have been enough for him. And the end, of which the episode title Cliffhanger alludes to? Ridiculous and predictable. And they thought they were cute in the fact that not only is the end someone hanging on a cliff, it is also a cliffhanger ending because you don’t find out what happens until next episode. BRILLIANT! I’m giving this show one more episode before I make my decision whether or not to drop it.

Smallville, I don’t care

I'm done. I had Tivo’d this weeks episode, even had a Season Pass for this show. Deleted both, without even watching the new episode. This is the one show I’ve had enough of. It is consistent with its horrible writing, disturbingly bad acting, and the constant effing up of the Superman mythos. What is the point of this show? I asked this question, and I finally have my answer. Absolutely nothing. And it was finally proven to me when last episode, the infamous 100th episode where someone was to die, they took the easy way out. Instead of keeping Lana dead, which would have done wonders creatively for the show as ramifications would have immediately been felt, they turned back time right after she died and killed Pa Kent instead. Whoop de doo. Does anyone care that Mr.Kent died? No. We’ve seen it happen like 3 times before now anyways. I sincerely hope this is the last season of the show and that it does not make it to next year. The world will be better that way.

My Name is Earl,
Something to Live For
*(out of 5)

Apparently, Spring Cleaning is in effect. I have also decided to end my relationship with “My Name is Earl”. The writing is just not anything special. The only line I have truly enjoyed and seen as brilliant was a couple episodes ago when the Latina motel maid was supposedly cursing to Earl and his brother, but in reality, what she was really saying in untranslated Spanish was “Thank you to all our Hispanic viewers for watching our show.” Which was hilarious, since the actress played the line like she indeed was screaming, and non-Spanish speaking people would have never second guessed it. Those of us who did no Spanish got a comical surprise. Other than that, the show is frankly not funny. It is too entrenched in it’s own goody goody moral lessons to enjoy it’s premise and be entertaining. It has yet to reach the quality of the pilot episode, which was actually funny and not too self-involved. Everything that happens in each episode is stupid, cliché and insanely predictable. Goodbye, Earl.

The Office,
Boys and Girls
****(out of 5)

Now this is a prime example of what “My Name is Earl” should be: brilliant comedy. Where I don’t claim it to be as good as “Arrested Development” it’s a damn great show that is expertly written. This episode was about a Women’s Conference being held at the company where the woman discussed working there and the extra things they have to deal with as women. And the boss, Michael (played by Steve Carrell) got jealous and decided to have his own conference for the guys. So all the guys from the office went down to talk it out with the guys from the warehouse. Which gave way to the best line of the episode, "Remember when the Lost people met The Others?" said by Dwight. Back with the girls, they were discussing dressing not to where you are at in life, but to where you wish to aspire. “So I guess that means Jan aspires to be a whore?” Michael decides to order pizza for the guys and comments that pizza is a universal love, “Rich people love pizza. Poor people love pizza. White people love pizza. Black people love pizza. Wait, do Black people like pizza?” If you have not yet seen the Office, you’re missing out.

Battlestar Gallactica,
***(out of 5)

The episode was pretty good, and I liked that we got more insight into the oft misunderstood Kara Thrace. I really enjoyed the whole Scar storyline, and although they maybe should have mentioned it earlier, I don’t mind it because it gives you the (obviously true) feeling that a lot of things have gone on in the background and time has passed. However, I did have some problems with the episode. I think the whole thing should have maybe happened earlier, since Anderson was soo long ago it seems and I barely remembered him. But it makes sense that she has been holding all that back until now when her favorite bottle brings it out. I enjoyed bringing Kat into the limelight in this episode and I hope she sticks around as a minor castmember, the rivalry between her and Starbuck was believable and entertaining. I was so glad when Starbuck backed out and let Kat save her and take out Scar. I’m also really glad that the sexual tension between Starbuck and Apollo hit a peak this episode, but will still be existent in the future because they didn’t go through with the sex having. Good choice. They both have too much going on in their lives to be together right now. The major problem I had with this episode is they need to STOP using the tease at the beginning and then jump to ’48 hours earlier’ and use that story structure. It has been overused by every show ever, but it seems like Battlestar has used it too too much. With a show so original and groundbreaking, they can think of better ways to get stories across. Plus, it kills the action sequences if you are constantly breaking suspense by moving back and forth between present and future. Who wants to bet Starbuck will attempt a return to Caprica to find out if Anders is alive or not?

The Soup,
February 3rd
(out of 5)

If you don’t watch this, you need to. It’s like “The Daily Show” but for solely entertainment news stuff. Like reality show clips, chat show happenings, celebrity hookups and stupidnesses, movies, all that good stuff. And it’s hilarious. Funny as crap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's my comment...

I still love the OC no matter how shitty it gets...






4:35 PM  

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