Thursday, February 2

On "Felicity" and it's existence...

The more I watch this show, the more it grows on me. The acting is fantastic, not exceptional, but good none the less. I love the fact that the ex-Pink Ranger (Amy Jo Johnson) actually has acting chops and is on something other than the culty kid show. It's also nice to see how J.J. Abrams started his TV career and met Jennifer Garner who plays Noel's girlfriend and it's fun to see Weiss playing Sean the dumb-idea having entrepenuer. For those of you who aren't familiar with Felicity, it's not as annoying or soap opera like as we all thought, the premise is a girl (Felicity) and her four yeras in college at NYU. It's about everything that college students have to go through, from storylines dealing with academic dishonesty to financial aid. It's also about Felicity deciding between two guys: Ben, a crush from her highschool who is constantly on again/off again regarding his feelings for Felicity and Noel, the Resident Advisor of her dormitory who fell for her as soon as they met. It's good stuff, I promise. The show has a slow/medium paced realistic tone and it is all presented as believable and you can understand ecah decision a character makes, whether or not you agree. J.J. Abrams' writing is exceptional, I really wish he wrote more of his own episodes of Alias and LOST, but I also see the reason he can't as the uber-man that he now is. My favorite episode so far has been Thanksgiving which gave more insight into the characters and their backgrounds and put in place future story points nicely. On the episode I watched last night- Felicity is visited by an old crush from Middle School who turns into a stalker very quickly. Making her come to the realization of her stupidity with Ben, 'cus ya know, she stalked him like a psychobitch. But then she didn't understand when he was scared of her. It was a good episode overall. At the end the stalker kid walks backwards while talking to Felicity and walks into the street- in the way of a Bus. Keri Russel's reaction was well timed but was damned well kind of retarded. Why would you claw your hands infront of your face all insane like? It was too theatrical. Too overdone. I definately insanely want her to end up with Noel more than Ben, although the show has done a good job to expand Ben's character (who I loathed originally) I still appreciate the crap out of Noel much more than Ben. To kindergarten saying, "He's pretty. Pretty dumb." Describes nicely what I feel towards him.


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