Wednesday, February 1

Tonight's TV

LOST, Repeat of the episode Numbers.
Damn, no new episode until next week. I'm itching to find out how Sun is since she was kidnapped (or was almost kidnapped?) by the Others. I'm also praying that the turdy inconsistency (Why would Locke not believe or trust in the importance of Charlie's dream if Locke himself found the Nigerian plane through a dream?) and boring backstory as well as non-happenings on the island turn into something importante later. We know Aaron is tied to the island somehow. We know. But why make such a huge deal of the baptism? Why make me dislike the Charlie character more?

Next week's episode titled The Long Con (Sawyer-centric) description: Survivors fear that "The Others" may have returned when Sun is injured during a failed kidnapping attempt. Meanwhile, Sawyer is an amused but highly interested bystander when tension escalates between Jack, Locke, Kate and Ana Lucia.

Veronica Mars, Rashard and Wallace go to White Castle
**** (out of 5)
This show never ceases to amaze me with it's consistent greatness. Every episode this season has been strong. This very episode is an example of that. The flawlessly intertwined stories included: Wallace's Wino trouble, Weevil's investigation with sidekick Logan, Pa Mars' scene with Inga and his sneakyness reminded me of how talented Enrico Colantoni is and the kickassness that Pa Mars is capable of. Here's hoping we see more of his investigation into the bus events and how he manages to get his information. The P.C.H.-ers staging a coup and kicking (literally) Weevil, awesome turn with great possibilities for future storylines. Oh how I enjoy the various ways this show hides the Apple icon on Veronica's laptop. This week it was a large red taper candle. And the buygging of the confessional was sheer brilliance, along with the lead in and out scenes. Not to mention Wallace later asking where Veroni was and why she was late, her reply, "If God asks I was with you." As far as problems with the episode: Where did Weevil go to visist the Fitzpatrick girl? It seemed like the exact spillout/outdoor lunch area for Neptune High. But they mentioned last week that she was only at their school Freshman year. Oh, well. Also, why would the deputy cop who doubled as a bouncer STEAL a cell from some random guy without asking any questions of Veronica?'re a damn fine cop, man. Congrats to the Sherrif's office of Neptune, California they are upstanding individuals.

Bones, The Woman in the Car
****(out of 5)
Why oh why did they move this to Wednesdays at 9? Like we didn't have enough problems with LOST and Veronica Mars at the same time, now we have Bones butting into the same slot. Because of this (what is now being declared as) The Horrible Move on FOX's Part, I didn't see last weeks episode due to the fact LOST and Veroni were both new and my Tivo can only record two shows in the same slot. This show is a case-by-case so I'm okay, I guess. Which, by the way, I tend to not dig shows that have weekly stand alones, because frankly, what's the point in investing time in them if you can just watch whenever the hell you feel like it? My problem with C.S.I. However, the reason I watch Bones on a regular basis is because the characters (along with that of the original C.S.I, although I don't watch it regularly anymore) are intriguing and constantly developing through the stand alones. So there is continuity in how the characters grow and relate to one another. Anyways, SHUT THE CRAP UP, onto the episode. It was damn good. One of the best so far actually. The beginning scene with Brennan being herself and bombing the TV interview was fantastic. It was all in all a huge step in character development with the concentration being on Brennan and her non-children wanting. She got showed, now I think she's considering. One thing I have a pet peeve about in TV is how they do car driving scenes. The scenery outside always look horrible and you can tell the actor's faces are plastered onto it via CGI rendering. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all. However, Bones does their car scenes excellently, you can't even tell it's an effect at all. Which is definatley a good thing because there are at least 2 car scenes in each episode, and the fact is- they work. It gives a great moment for Brennan and Booth to talk and share stuff, and people like them probably don't have much time to talk outside of getting from place A to B. How weird are the names on this show? The Assistant Attorney guy's name was Weeks. What?! The "paladin" keyword deal led to the best line in the episode said by Bones in reply to Mr.Boss saying Booth was kind of like a paladin, "You know what? You tough guys are all very sentimental." Did anyone notice the similarities between this weeks story and the movie The Constant Gardner? Pharmaceuticals instead of body armor, obviously.

In my DVD player tonight:
Felicity S1D4, Todd Mulcahy (Part 1)
Annie Hall


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