Saturday, February 11

Adieu to Arrested Development

Goodbye, beloved Arrested Development.
Your final episodes were brilliant and tear-jerkingly uproarious.

Wednesday, February 8

Monday and Tuesday's Tubin'

24, Day 5: 1.00pm- 2.00pm
***(out of 5)

The clock is ticking and the "Previously on 24" segment that plays at the beginning of each episode is foreshadowing some of the twists that emerged this week. Layman's Translation: 24 continues to be a show that over uses and over recycles plot and even dialogue. CTU employees (other than Jack) with family problems? Several characters including an ex-CTU director and Chloe have had extracurricular family issues they've had to put up with during the day. A deranged mentally unstable daughter of a CTU agent seasons ago, this season gets morphed into a junkie sister of acting CTU head, Sam Gangee of the Shire. How ridiculous is it that he got beat up by his sister and her junkie friend for money- and they just happened to take his CTU clearance card to add more dramatic effect. Which they will of course, will place into the WORST HANDS POSSIBLE as the season progresses. Mrs. Logan continues to be one of the most compelling characters this season. And the sheer disappointment, shame, and hatred – causes you to feel towards his character, President Logan is brilliant and cathartic (to say the least). Anyone think Kim Bauer was going to be the surprise guest behind the bed? I did, until we met the gun totting 15 year old Russian sex slave. I definitely prefer her. And they cut the canisters pretty damn fast. Not more than 15 minutes to cut through around 20 metal canisters with a slow cutting saw. And doesn't LCD display serial codes seem a bit much, and stupid? What if Mr. Bauer decided to EMP the location? No more setting those off. Not to mention if the battery runs out that is keeping the LCD lit. Overall, a good in-between episode. 24 is allowed to be at times implausible and we can overlook the constant recycling of ideas, because, frankly- it's damn entertaining television. Then we get to the end…how often does someone tell Jack, "We needed that guy that just died accidentally. Crap. Shit. What CAN WE POSSIBLY do now?"* Shouldn't Jack be conforming to these situations already, seeing as how he's done this at least five times before? And the show knows that us constant viewers already know the answer to this scenario- that's why they spoiled Jack's next move on the preview for next episode. Jack conveniently takes the place of the guy that got shot. Gasp!

*Note: Obviously this is paraphrased and not a direct quote from the episode.

Gilmore Girls, You've been Gilmored
****(out of 5)
Gilmore Girls and it's existance is a testament to the cathartic power of television to change your mood. Despite mood-altering circumstances taking place in your life before 8pm on Tuesday, noithing matters when Lorelai and Rory are taking part in their insane pop culture referencing, witty, speedily delivered dialogue. You can't help but be compassionate towards all the small town personalities and allow their humor to make your night. Which is why it was immeadiatly noticeable and worry causing when I came to the realization that a certain Sookie St. James was not in the episode- at all. She is definately one of the funnest bits of the show, despite there being minimal depth to her character. Viewing this episode brought along a lesson, proving to me the destructive nonenjoyable aspect to spoilers. I read a pretty complete outline of all the major events happening this episode and because of this found the plot points to be tired- only to realize that if I hadn't been spoiled I would have sincerely enjoyed the turns in the story. Rory becomming Yale Daily News editor, Emily demanding Luke's presence at Friday night dinner, and Rory moving in with boyfriend Logan- where significant plot points and were excellent. Would have been better if I wasn't so weak with my convictions against spoilers. The episode was extremely well written, which is always the benchmark of Gilmore Girls which prides itself in it's dialogue. The new trend is excellent endings for the Girls, in the past two episodes the final ten minutes have brought brilliant scenes. This time being the Friday night dinner conversation featuring Lorelai, Luke, Emily and Richard. Dinners at the Gilmore house are without a doubt the best scenes the show has to offer. And the after-dinner tipsy commentary by Lorelai and Luke out on the driveway was frankly, damn good entertainment.

Scrubs, My Half Acre + Her Story II
****(out of 5)
The absurdity of this show has never been as apparent as in Tuesday's episodes. Mandy Moore, Zach Braff real life girlfriend guest-starred as Zach Braff's characters girlfriend. Genius. J.D. (Zach Braff) and Julie(Mandy Moore) are perfectly compatible with one another even enjoying taking bizzare phots of them in wizard garb or old wrinkly masks. However, sometimes the little annoying things about a person outweigh their amazing qualities. You see, Julie doesn't laugh at any of J.D.'s jokes, but instead says "That's so funny." at everything. On a comedy sitcom, a character not laughing at another characters jokes just does not work out. This time wasn't different. Both episodes were excellent and hilarious. The banning of air-banding in the hospital was briceless. Not to mention J.D.'s parents thinking they were having a girl when he was born, so, just to asuage their sadness called him "Joanna" until he was eight months old.

Monday, February 6

Sunday's TV

Grey's Anatomy, It's the End of the World (Part 1)
*****(out of 5)
"Insane" describes perfectly Sunday night's episode of Grey's Anatomy. The hype that comes with granting a show an episode in the coveted post-Superbowl slot was fully realized in "It's the End of the World (Part 1)." I was definately rewarded for keeping spoiler-free for this episode, not even looking up what a "code black" was. Although I've been annoyed in the past by Meredith's narration and whiny attitude towards anything, this episode was the pay off for putting up with that. Her pessimistic bitchy outlook finally made a significant impact on the storyline, with her dream of death and refusal to get out of bed foreshadowing the events of the rest of the episode. And how "superbowl" was that 3-way shower seen with the girls and George. Hotness. When George and Izzie sat up against the wall and discussed their unhappiness with their fixation as supporting roles and their (or rather Izzie's) desire to be "do-ers" was brilliant and perfectly executed. Christina Ricci gave a harrowing, subtle performance that I think will be acknowledged come Emmy time. I sincerely hope she returns. Her character maybe becoming a recurring nurse at Seattle Grace or technician would be great. Thank God for Bailey, I love my bitches and she is definately one of the best on television. It was great that we finally saw her vulnerable, despite the horrible circumstances that brought her to the breakdown. Why did Christina not just tell Burke that she was with Meredith in the morning? Whats up with her hiding something so mundane and trivial? I thought the banter between McDreamy and Burke was hilarious and will hopefully grow into a frienship (or rivalry would be nice entertainment as well) between the twol. Having Meredith shove her hand into the man at the last moment (off camera) was GENIUS and finally brings growth to her character. "What did I do?"

The L Word, Lifeline
****(out of 5)
Definately enjoying the story arcs put in place and I think by the conclusion of the season, the show will be at heights never before reached in Seasons 1 or 2. The new camera and shot approaches for various scenes this episode have continued to enrich the show in the progressive and artsy premise it was built upon and thrives upon. I really liked Bette at the beginning of the show and through the disheveling of her relationship with Tina, which was her fault, has led me to constantly feel dissapointment in her. Which is an emotion most shows fail to have the audience feel. This show takes risks, its about flawed characters based entirely in reality. It's about the constant struggles these woman have to face because of love. Dana's cancer storyline is strong and gives Erin Daniel's the opportunity to take her cahracter to dark depths we haven't yet seen. I'm warming up to Helena more and more and Alice is now more relatable and real than ever. Shane also dissapoints me, seeing as how she is intentionally destroying Carmen and her chance for happiness. At this point in the season, every character's "L word" seems to be "lost" and it makes for some damn good entertainment.

Sunday, February 5

Thursday and Friday's TV (aka Spring Cleaning)

The O.C., The Cliffhanger
**(out of 5)
Ah, The O.C., the show which started off quite well in it's first season and was pretty damn good...and then got worse, and worse. More and more ridiculous and soap opera-y. And is not in a state of iffyness. Some plots are horrendously bad, like everything that involves Johnny. And usually, the Seth/Summer storylines and all the adults usually have stuff that is worthwhile, at least. This season brought the addition (or reintroduction, although it’s a completely new actress) of Kaitlin Cooper. Which I think actually is refreshing, seeing as how her storylines have been somewhat interesting and nonpredictable, and she can actually act unlike her fictional sister, Marissa. Now onto the specifics of the episode: This was The Episode Featuring Retarded Names. To begin, we have the actual episode title Cliffhanger. Oh, how very creative and subtle. More on that later.Later, the decision on the part of the writers to give Johnny the last name of Harbor. Did we even care about his last name? No. But, Good choice, yeah. And why on earth would noticeably intelligent and business savvy partners Kirsten and Julie name their dating service ‘New Match’? Worst name ever. The award for the most ambiguous and sexually implicit goes to Seth asking Summer if “You wanna get down?” while they are sitting on the bed together. And again with the weird names, when Kaitlin is reminiscing to her sis about their ice cream choices when they were younger, we are told Kaitlin’s favorite flave was ‘gold medal ribbon.’ Can I try that? And it seemed out of character for Seth to smoke the pot last episode, but it could be understood. However, this episode they took it too far and had him continuously do it, which I don’t think Seth would ever do. One affair with Mary Jane would have been enough for him. And the end, of which the episode title Cliffhanger alludes to? Ridiculous and predictable. And they thought they were cute in the fact that not only is the end someone hanging on a cliff, it is also a cliffhanger ending because you don’t find out what happens until next episode. BRILLIANT! I’m giving this show one more episode before I make my decision whether or not to drop it.

Smallville, I don’t care

I'm done. I had Tivo’d this weeks episode, even had a Season Pass for this show. Deleted both, without even watching the new episode. This is the one show I’ve had enough of. It is consistent with its horrible writing, disturbingly bad acting, and the constant effing up of the Superman mythos. What is the point of this show? I asked this question, and I finally have my answer. Absolutely nothing. And it was finally proven to me when last episode, the infamous 100th episode where someone was to die, they took the easy way out. Instead of keeping Lana dead, which would have done wonders creatively for the show as ramifications would have immediately been felt, they turned back time right after she died and killed Pa Kent instead. Whoop de doo. Does anyone care that Mr.Kent died? No. We’ve seen it happen like 3 times before now anyways. I sincerely hope this is the last season of the show and that it does not make it to next year. The world will be better that way.

My Name is Earl,
Something to Live For
*(out of 5)

Apparently, Spring Cleaning is in effect. I have also decided to end my relationship with “My Name is Earl”. The writing is just not anything special. The only line I have truly enjoyed and seen as brilliant was a couple episodes ago when the Latina motel maid was supposedly cursing to Earl and his brother, but in reality, what she was really saying in untranslated Spanish was “Thank you to all our Hispanic viewers for watching our show.” Which was hilarious, since the actress played the line like she indeed was screaming, and non-Spanish speaking people would have never second guessed it. Those of us who did no Spanish got a comical surprise. Other than that, the show is frankly not funny. It is too entrenched in it’s own goody goody moral lessons to enjoy it’s premise and be entertaining. It has yet to reach the quality of the pilot episode, which was actually funny and not too self-involved. Everything that happens in each episode is stupid, cliché and insanely predictable. Goodbye, Earl.

The Office,
Boys and Girls
****(out of 5)

Now this is a prime example of what “My Name is Earl” should be: brilliant comedy. Where I don’t claim it to be as good as “Arrested Development” it’s a damn great show that is expertly written. This episode was about a Women’s Conference being held at the company where the woman discussed working there and the extra things they have to deal with as women. And the boss, Michael (played by Steve Carrell) got jealous and decided to have his own conference for the guys. So all the guys from the office went down to talk it out with the guys from the warehouse. Which gave way to the best line of the episode, "Remember when the Lost people met The Others?" said by Dwight. Back with the girls, they were discussing dressing not to where you are at in life, but to where you wish to aspire. “So I guess that means Jan aspires to be a whore?” Michael decides to order pizza for the guys and comments that pizza is a universal love, “Rich people love pizza. Poor people love pizza. White people love pizza. Black people love pizza. Wait, do Black people like pizza?” If you have not yet seen the Office, you’re missing out.

Battlestar Gallactica,
***(out of 5)

The episode was pretty good, and I liked that we got more insight into the oft misunderstood Kara Thrace. I really enjoyed the whole Scar storyline, and although they maybe should have mentioned it earlier, I don’t mind it because it gives you the (obviously true) feeling that a lot of things have gone on in the background and time has passed. However, I did have some problems with the episode. I think the whole thing should have maybe happened earlier, since Anderson was soo long ago it seems and I barely remembered him. But it makes sense that she has been holding all that back until now when her favorite bottle brings it out. I enjoyed bringing Kat into the limelight in this episode and I hope she sticks around as a minor castmember, the rivalry between her and Starbuck was believable and entertaining. I was so glad when Starbuck backed out and let Kat save her and take out Scar. I’m also really glad that the sexual tension between Starbuck and Apollo hit a peak this episode, but will still be existent in the future because they didn’t go through with the sex having. Good choice. They both have too much going on in their lives to be together right now. The major problem I had with this episode is they need to STOP using the tease at the beginning and then jump to ’48 hours earlier’ and use that story structure. It has been overused by every show ever, but it seems like Battlestar has used it too too much. With a show so original and groundbreaking, they can think of better ways to get stories across. Plus, it kills the action sequences if you are constantly breaking suspense by moving back and forth between present and future. Who wants to bet Starbuck will attempt a return to Caprica to find out if Anders is alive or not?

The Soup,
February 3rd
(out of 5)

If you don’t watch this, you need to. It’s like “The Daily Show” but for solely entertainment news stuff. Like reality show clips, chat show happenings, celebrity hookups and stupidnesses, movies, all that good stuff. And it’s hilarious. Funny as crap.

Thursday, February 2

My Weekly TV Show Schedule

For those wondering what reviews to expect and for those of you wondering what you should be watching and when it's on...and for those of you mocking and making fun of my insane obsession with TV, this will give you an idea of how much I watch per week.

(Mind you, my Tivo records all these for me, I don't actually watch them at these times. I have a life.)

[9:00pm] Desperate Houswives, ABC
[10:00pm] Grey's Anatomy, ABC
The L Word, SHO

[9:00pm] 24, FOX

[8:00pm] Gilmore Girls, WB
[9:00pm] Commander in Chief, ABC
Scrubs, NBC

[9:00pm] LOST, ABC
Veronica Mars, UPN
Bones, FOX

[8:00pm] Alias, ABC
The O.C., FOX
[9:00pm] The Office, NBC

[10:00pm] Battlestar Gallactica, SCIFI
The Soup, E!

On "Felicity" and it's existence...

The more I watch this show, the more it grows on me. The acting is fantastic, not exceptional, but good none the less. I love the fact that the ex-Pink Ranger (Amy Jo Johnson) actually has acting chops and is on something other than the culty kid show. It's also nice to see how J.J. Abrams started his TV career and met Jennifer Garner who plays Noel's girlfriend and it's fun to see Weiss playing Sean the dumb-idea having entrepenuer. For those of you who aren't familiar with Felicity, it's not as annoying or soap opera like as we all thought, the premise is a girl (Felicity) and her four yeras in college at NYU. It's about everything that college students have to go through, from storylines dealing with academic dishonesty to financial aid. It's also about Felicity deciding between two guys: Ben, a crush from her highschool who is constantly on again/off again regarding his feelings for Felicity and Noel, the Resident Advisor of her dormitory who fell for her as soon as they met. It's good stuff, I promise. The show has a slow/medium paced realistic tone and it is all presented as believable and you can understand ecah decision a character makes, whether or not you agree. J.J. Abrams' writing is exceptional, I really wish he wrote more of his own episodes of Alias and LOST, but I also see the reason he can't as the uber-man that he now is. My favorite episode so far has been Thanksgiving which gave more insight into the characters and their backgrounds and put in place future story points nicely. On the episode I watched last night- Felicity is visited by an old crush from Middle School who turns into a stalker very quickly. Making her come to the realization of her stupidity with Ben, 'cus ya know, she stalked him like a psychobitch. But then she didn't understand when he was scared of her. It was a good episode overall. At the end the stalker kid walks backwards while talking to Felicity and walks into the street- in the way of a Bus. Keri Russel's reaction was well timed but was damned well kind of retarded. Why would you claw your hands infront of your face all insane like? It was too theatrical. Too overdone. I definately insanely want her to end up with Noel more than Ben, although the show has done a good job to expand Ben's character (who I loathed originally) I still appreciate the crap out of Noel much more than Ben. To kindergarten saying, "He's pretty. Pretty dumb." Describes nicely what I feel towards him.

Wednesday, February 1

Tonight's TV

LOST, Repeat of the episode Numbers.
Damn, no new episode until next week. I'm itching to find out how Sun is since she was kidnapped (or was almost kidnapped?) by the Others. I'm also praying that the turdy inconsistency (Why would Locke not believe or trust in the importance of Charlie's dream if Locke himself found the Nigerian plane through a dream?) and boring backstory as well as non-happenings on the island turn into something importante later. We know Aaron is tied to the island somehow. We know. But why make such a huge deal of the baptism? Why make me dislike the Charlie character more?

Next week's episode titled The Long Con (Sawyer-centric) description: Survivors fear that "The Others" may have returned when Sun is injured during a failed kidnapping attempt. Meanwhile, Sawyer is an amused but highly interested bystander when tension escalates between Jack, Locke, Kate and Ana Lucia.

Veronica Mars, Rashard and Wallace go to White Castle
**** (out of 5)
This show never ceases to amaze me with it's consistent greatness. Every episode this season has been strong. This very episode is an example of that. The flawlessly intertwined stories included: Wallace's Wino trouble, Weevil's investigation with sidekick Logan, Pa Mars' scene with Inga and his sneakyness reminded me of how talented Enrico Colantoni is and the kickassness that Pa Mars is capable of. Here's hoping we see more of his investigation into the bus events and how he manages to get his information. The P.C.H.-ers staging a coup and kicking (literally) Weevil, awesome turn with great possibilities for future storylines. Oh how I enjoy the various ways this show hides the Apple icon on Veronica's laptop. This week it was a large red taper candle. And the buygging of the confessional was sheer brilliance, along with the lead in and out scenes. Not to mention Wallace later asking where Veroni was and why she was late, her reply, "If God asks I was with you." As far as problems with the episode: Where did Weevil go to visist the Fitzpatrick girl? It seemed like the exact spillout/outdoor lunch area for Neptune High. But they mentioned last week that she was only at their school Freshman year. Oh, well. Also, why would the deputy cop who doubled as a bouncer STEAL a cell from some random guy without asking any questions of Veronica?'re a damn fine cop, man. Congrats to the Sherrif's office of Neptune, California they are upstanding individuals.

Bones, The Woman in the Car
****(out of 5)
Why oh why did they move this to Wednesdays at 9? Like we didn't have enough problems with LOST and Veronica Mars at the same time, now we have Bones butting into the same slot. Because of this (what is now being declared as) The Horrible Move on FOX's Part, I didn't see last weeks episode due to the fact LOST and Veroni were both new and my Tivo can only record two shows in the same slot. This show is a case-by-case so I'm okay, I guess. Which, by the way, I tend to not dig shows that have weekly stand alones, because frankly, what's the point in investing time in them if you can just watch whenever the hell you feel like it? My problem with C.S.I. However, the reason I watch Bones on a regular basis is because the characters (along with that of the original C.S.I, although I don't watch it regularly anymore) are intriguing and constantly developing through the stand alones. So there is continuity in how the characters grow and relate to one another. Anyways, SHUT THE CRAP UP, onto the episode. It was damn good. One of the best so far actually. The beginning scene with Brennan being herself and bombing the TV interview was fantastic. It was all in all a huge step in character development with the concentration being on Brennan and her non-children wanting. She got showed, now I think she's considering. One thing I have a pet peeve about in TV is how they do car driving scenes. The scenery outside always look horrible and you can tell the actor's faces are plastered onto it via CGI rendering. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all. However, Bones does their car scenes excellently, you can't even tell it's an effect at all. Which is definatley a good thing because there are at least 2 car scenes in each episode, and the fact is- they work. It gives a great moment for Brennan and Booth to talk and share stuff, and people like them probably don't have much time to talk outside of getting from place A to B. How weird are the names on this show? The Assistant Attorney guy's name was Weeks. What?! The "paladin" keyword deal led to the best line in the episode said by Bones in reply to Mr.Boss saying Booth was kind of like a paladin, "You know what? You tough guys are all very sentimental." Did anyone notice the similarities between this weeks story and the movie The Constant Gardner? Pharmaceuticals instead of body armor, obviously.

In my DVD player tonight:
Felicity S1D4, Todd Mulcahy (Part 1)
Annie Hall

Welcome Post

To get this blog started...

(my all-time favorite TV shows in order of greatness)
NOTE: Does not include this fall season's new shows

  1. LOST
  2. Buffy
  3. Angel
  4. X-Files
  5. Six Feet Under
  6. Sopranos
  7. Alias
  8. 24
  9. The West Wing
  10. Veronica Mars
  11. Gilmore Girls
  12. Firefly
  13. Battlestar Gallactica (2003)
  14. Arrested Development
  15. Sex and the City
  16. ROME
  17. The Family Guy
  18. Grey’s Anatomy
  19. Farscape
  20. Desperate Housewives
  21. C.S.I.
  22. Rescue Me
  23. The L Word
  24. Entourage
  25. Scrubs (S2)
  26. Nip/Tuck
  27. The Office
(in Tivo Season Pass order)

Lost, Alias, Veronica Mars, 24, Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Bones, Commander in Chief, The Office, My Name is Earl, Arrested Development, Battlestar Gallactica, The L Word, Scrubs, South Park, The Daily Show, The Soup (on E!)

Guilty Pleasures (I know they're crap): The O.C., Smallville


The West Wing S2, Felicity S1, LOST s1 (rw*), Battlestar Gallactica s1 (rw), Sex and the City (rw), Buffy S2 (rw)

*rw= Rewatching

Please feel free to comment and post thoughts on my ranking and TV shows. Suggestions of things to watch are always seriously taken into account- even disagreements with anything posted here, whether it be the order I put my shows in or anything like that are greatly appreciated.